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Krause and Becker Electric Paint Sprayer Not Working? Here’s What to Do

Krause and Becker Electric Paint Sprayer Not Working? Here’s What to Do

As a professional home painter, I understand the frustration that can arise when your trusty painting equipment suddenly malfunctions.

One such device is the Krause and Becker electric paint sprayer, known for its efficiency and ease of use.

In this article, we’ll explore some of the common issues that may occur with this sprayer and provide detailed solutions to get it back up and running smoothly.

Lack of Power or Motor Failure

If your Krause and Becker electric paint sprayer is not turning on or is experiencing intermittent power issues, the problem may lie with the motor or the power source.


Check the power source: Ensure that the power outlet you’re using is functioning correctly. Plug in another device to confirm if the outlet is supplying power.

Power cord and connections: Inspect the power cord for any visible signs of damage, such as fraying or cuts. If any damage is detected, replace the power cord immediately. Additionally, check that the cord is securely connected to both the sprayer and the power source.

Motor issues: If the motor fails to start, it may be due to a thermal overload. In such cases, allow the sprayer to cool down and then try again. If the motor still doesn’t start, it may require professional servicing or replacement.

Clogging or Reduced Spray Quality

If the paint sprayer is producing an uneven spray pattern, spitting, or experiencing reduced spray volume, it is likely that the nozzle or the system is clogged.


Thoroughly clean the nozzle: Remove the nozzle from the sprayer and clean it with an appropriate solvent or cleaner recommended by the manufacturer. Use a small brush or toothpick to remove any dried or clogged paint particles. Rinse the nozzle with water and reattach it securely.

Clear the intake and filter: Detach the suction tube and remove the filter from the sprayer. Rinse the filter under running water to remove any debris or paint residue. Clean the intake tube as well, ensuring it is clear of any obstructions.

Dilution and viscosity: Check the paint viscosity and dilution ratio according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Improper dilution can lead to clogging issues. Adjust the paint consistency if necessary.

Leakage or Dripping Paint

If the paint sprayer is leaking or dripping paint, it can result in messy and uneven application.


Check for loose connections: Inspect all connections and fittings to ensure they are securely tightened. Loose connections can lead to paint leakage. Tighten any loose fittings as necessary.

Replace worn-out seals or gaskets: Over time, the seals and gaskets in the sprayer may wear out, leading to leaks. Consult the sprayer’s manual or contact the manufacturer to obtain the correct replacement parts and follow their instructions for installation.

Proper priming and pressure: Ensure that the sprayer is properly primed before painting. Insufficient priming or excessive pressure can cause paint to leak. Adjust the pressure settings according to the recommended levels.

My Personal Experience

Throughout my career as a professional home painter, I’ve had the opportunity to work with various paint sprayers, including the Krause and Becker electric paint sprayer. While this sprayer is generally reliable and efficient, I did encounter an interesting issue during one of my projects.

I was hired to paint the exterior of a residential property, and I decided to utilize the Krause and Becker sprayer for its convenience and time-saving capabilities. However, halfway through the project, I noticed that the sprayer began experiencing intermittent power failures. This was a perplexing situation as I had used this particular sprayer in the past without any issues.

Concerned about the project’s timeline, I immediately examined the sprayer to identify the problem. Upon inspecting the power cord, I noticed signs of wear and tear, including fraying near the plug. It became evident that the power cord had been damaged, likely due to accidental tugging or exposure to harsh conditions during previous projects.

Understanding the importance of a properly functioning power cord, I promptly replaced it with a new one. Once the new cord was securely attached, I tested the sprayer, and to my relief, it started functioning flawlessly again. I was able to complete the project without further interruptions, delivering a high-quality paint job to the satisfaction of my client.

This incident taught me the significance of routine maintenance and the impact it can have on the performance of painting equipment. I now make it a point to regularly inspect the power cords and connections of my sprayers, ensuring they are in optimal condition. By taking proactive measures to prevent potential issues, I have been able to avoid similar situations in subsequent projects.

Although the Krause and Becker sprayer encountered a temporary setback, it’s important to note that such incidents can occur with any brand or model of paint sprayer. It highlights the necessity of being prepared and having a backup plan in case equipment malfunctions during crucial projects. As a professional, I always carry spare parts and alternate sprayers to ensure smooth operations and minimize downtime.

Based on my experience, I firmly believe that investing in quality paint sprayers, regularly maintaining them, and being prepared for unforeseen circumstances are essential practices for any professional painter or DIY enthusiast. These practices contribute to a smoother workflow, consistent results, and overall customer satisfaction.

Krause And Becker Alternatives

If you’ve tried troubleshooting the issues with your Krause and Becker electric paint sprayer but still haven’t been able to fix it, it may be time to consider replacing it with a similar, reliable paint sprayer. Here are a few alternative options that you can explore:

Graco Magnum X5

The Graco Magnum X5 is a popular choice among DIY enthusiasts and professionals alike. It offers excellent spraying performance, adjustable pressure control, and easy cleanup. The X5 is designed for medium-sized projects and provides a consistent and even finish.

Wagner Control Pro 170

The Wagner Control Pro 170 is another versatile electric paint sprayer that delivers professional-quality results. It features a high-efficiency airless spray technology, adjustable pressure, and a durable build. This sprayer is suitable for both interior and exterior painting projects.

Titan ControlMax 1700

The Titan ControlMax 1700 is known for its efficiency and ease of use. It utilizes a high-efficiency airless technology to deliver a smooth and consistent finish. This sprayer features a lightweight design, adjustable pressure control, and a 0.60 horsepower motor, making it suitable for a variety of painting tasks.

Fuji Spray Semi-PRO 2 HVLP System

If you prefer a HVLP (high-volume, low-pressure) system, the Fuji Spray Semi-PRO 2 is an excellent choice. HVLP systems provide a fine finish with minimal overspray. The Semi-PRO 2 is easy to use, features adjustable fan patterns and material flow, and is suitable for both automotive and home projects.

Before purchasing a new paint sprayer, make sure to consider the specific requirements of your painting projects, such as the size of the area, the type of paint you’ll be using, and your level of experience. Reading customer reviews and comparing features and prices will also help you make an informed decision. Remember to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and maintenance guidelines to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of your new paint sprayer.



The Krause and Becker electric paint sprayer is a reliable tool for efficient painting.

By troubleshooting and addressing common issues such as power failures, clogging, and leakage, you can ensure optimal performance from your sprayer.

Regular maintenance and adherence to the manufacturer’s guidelines will help prolong the lifespan of your paint sprayer and deliver consistent, professional-quality results.

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